Talia was thrilled to get a boy part in the Mazateca dance at her school's closing bash. Each class presented a dance from one of Oaxaca's regions. Talia's teacher was from Huatla de Jimenez in the Mazateca. She was a fun-loving teacher - we'd often find the classroom littered with paper balls after either a school project or a paper ball fight. We were never sure. She led the class through a special project on the supernatural during which they watched horror flicks, presumably to detect the supernatural within, but the only thing we detected was that Talia began to spend the night in our bed again. The class had 8 kids and Talia grew very, very fond of them; Tyler described it as a cozy rabbit's warren, all nestled up to one another.

Clara Elena, the teacher and Talia

the cozy gang

Our friends, Lis and Humberto's daughter, Mariana

Talia dancing the Mazateca step

getting ready for the stage

The last huddles before the performance

Happy mom and proud daughter
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