Monday, August 17, 2009

Junior Rangers Inducted at Sand Dunes National Monument

In order to be inducted as junior rangers, Talia and Sabina were quizzed on Beaver Belly's presentation about early trappers in the Southeastern Rockies.

It's a wild place, the Sand Dunes National Monument, tucked under the Western slope of the Sangre de Cristo mountains just across the New Mexico border in Colorado. The 14,000 foot peaks create a kind of dry curtain that stalls rainfall. Western winds blow sand against the mountains and there it stays, forming 700 foot peaks. Snow melt from the mountains have created a river bed that encircles the dunes. In short, it blows your mind.

Beaver Belly's rifle

Old Beaver Belly himself

Early morn on a sandy ridge

Sabina and Talia were tested and sworn in. We completely concur with ken burns that the US national park system is the best of America (or something like that).

there's enough moisture from the snow melt for flowers to bloom

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