Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Native corn and reforestation in the Mixteca with phil and kathy

I had the good fortune to visit with phil and kathy, Maryknoll volunteers living in Oaxaca's Mixteca region. We share a common tie to dear Padre Lorenzo, tragically murdered this year. Phil and kathy have moved to a rural village, kathy helping with pastoral work and family support and Phil working with an NGO called CEDICAM promoting sustainable agriculture and reforestation. Using an old technique, they planted the corn above in a furrow half a meter deep, early in the season, to draw on soil moisture.

The land is a poster child for erosion. An astounding quantity of rocks and gullies that look like open wounds. It makes you wince. Hard to see in the photo, but CEDICAM has been working with mixtecos on reforestation, with astounding results.

Jesus Santos is one of CEDICAM's leaders. He won the Goldman Environmental Prize in 2008. Phil and I gave his family a hand in planting some corn and beans. I was lucky enough to be invited to listen in on their planning for an upcoming workshop on advocacy. Folks are learning new sustainable ag techniques, but how should they affect public policy? Perhaps push for more support for local markets? That would be a point of discussion at the meeting.

A future Mixteco leader

At over 7000 feet, wheat is a common crop


Phil is helping CEDICAM create a community museum. Part of the exhibit is photos of native plants.

Jesus in a grove he reforested many years back

Erosion wounds

Phil hoeing soil up around Jesus' young corn plants

Water is scare in the Mixteca. The community stewards the precious resource. Phil comes down to the community cistern to fill up jugs for his home use every few days.

A bad case of red-toe cactus

The young burro gets a red ribbon to keep away any evils and sickness

kathy and phil's mixteca neighbor

kathy and phil's remarkable house - almost done!

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