Tikki was our fourth foster puppy that we took care of for Rebecca - our dog rescuer hero. He was adorable and he is now in Colorado in his new home.
When we first got him he was about 3 to 4 weeks old and he stayed with us through Christmas and the holidays he left on January 5th, he probably was a mix in between a cocker spaniel and a poodle or something close to that but the biggest element of cuteness from him was his huge eyes and how small he was.
He could fit into small boxes and when we first got him he could fit in our hands if we cupped them. He was probably the most obedient foster puppy that we’ve had he only went to the bathroom in the house if we left him for a really long time and, another great thing about him was that he was more into us than Stella, (witch is bad for Stella, but better for Talia and I). He always wanted to sleep with us and wanted us to hold him and only sometimes he liked to play with Stella, Tikki is white with curly hair on hi sears and back he had medium long hair and huge black eyes.
I really miss him but hopefully soon we will be on our 5th foster puppy.
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