the mountains
On friday afternoon we went with the Moore-Blooms on a trip to the sierra. When we first got there it was raining really hard, we all got out but Stella was especially happy to be there, as soon as we pulled up she wagged her tail fiercely and whined at the car door.
We got there at about 6:00pm so while the kids ran around the playground that they had there and the grown ups went to check out lean tos and camp sites, we chose a lean to because it would be raining the majority of the time so otherwise the trnts would get soaked, it was really buggy so we set the tents up in the lean to we put evrey thing in place and got sleeping bags and blankets (it was pretty cold like, 50 degrees!)
We went down to the comedor and all ate we came back and went to sleep it was also really cold that night so stella curled up next to us and kept us warm. In the morning we got up, ate breakfeast and went to the place where we get harneses and ropes and helmets for zip lines, climbing walls and "juegos de aire" air games.
A man called Francisco helped us get every thing and we started... First we went to "juegos de aire" there were 6 courses, the first was walking on planks with nothing for your hands to hold on to but the good thing was that we had harneses so we wouldint fall and kill ourselfs, next was a gorge of the jungle sort of thing we had to swing from rope to rope but most of the time you were just flying with your harness, then was a type of rope ladder but it was long so we had to shimmy it it was not that hard, then there was a log jumping that was pretty scary, and then a harder log jumping!!!!!!!! it was soooooo fun!!!!!!!
Next we went to a climbing wall where after you finish climbing you get to bounce off and the guy holds you and slowly takes you down. After climbing every body's body hurt alot!!! but it was really FUN!!!!!!!
Finally we went on a zip line but I was to scared to do it because it was like 30 feet up and you only have a harness and strong rope holding you up!!! But next time I'm going to do it.
And the next day we went to a cave that was NOT just an indentation in the rock but it was a really big cave! It was sooo cool!!!!!! Then the next day we left and came back to life here which is okay.
And the next day we went to a cave that was NOT just an indentation in the rock but it was a really big cave! It was sooo cool!!!!!! Then the next day we left and came back to life here which is okay.
So great to see a new entry in the Taco Times.
We check it everyday, sometimes twice a day.
I think we know the place you are describing with the Tyroleans!
Love, Chuck
we check it three times a day, and wish we could be there but it is fun to live vicariously through you guys
Hola Sabina!
I LOVE reading what you write, especially when i remember those places too- like this one with the cave (I am pretty sure we went there, that cave look familiar) and the turtles in Mazunte.
So we are going to be with you guys in less than two months. That is really exciting to me. Today I told Nora I wanted to go to the mountains and do a hike like we did with you guys when you visited us. She just wants to go to the zocolo and san pablo etla. Mostly we all just want to hang out with you all.
mucho amor y felicidades a tu progresso en espanol y todos . Te extrano.
that looks really fun!
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