Welcome to the Moss-Haaren Family Blog!
(Bookmark this today to stay up to date with the Taco Times)
Tyler, Daniel, Sabina, Talia and Stella are leaving Boston on June 30th.
Come say goodbye this Sunday, June 22nd between 3 and 9 pm:
The Moss Haaren Farewell Party
at Chuck, Tricia and Nora's House
35 Hampstead Road (across the street from Moss-Haaren)
Directions, RSVP 617-522-6866
Karaoke, POTLUCK, Dancing, Farewell Blessings.
Bring a dish or drink to share.
Bring a photo to add to a special book we are sending with them so THEY COME HOME SOON!
Your fiesta de despedida was maravillosa! Gareth and I were thrilled to be included in the group of wonderful people who are part of your lives. We're all book-marked and ready to go....let the fabulous adventure begin! Abrazos, Howard
ya the party was really fun...
Kathryn is concerned that she forgot to teach Talia the words to "Ten million bottles of beer on the wall" but I told her that was probably OK with Tyler and Daniel. We miss you! Coco is doing well!
Hola, How are the girls doing with their new toys? Have you had to use the Bo-ox yet? Have fun and keep in touch. Blog you later. K&D
Hey you guys,
How are you all doing? We just heared about your blog, so we wanted to send you "saludos" from Oaxaca. Hope your trip has been going well. We are looking forward to seeing you here when you arrive. Let us know if there is anything you need prior to your arrival that we can help with. Buen viaje! XO Ann, Tim, Jacob and William
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